Alive in the Arts Entries
30th Annual Juried Competition and Exhibition
An Invitation to all WISCONSIN professional artists and WISCONSIN residents for whom fine art is an avocation.
Must be a Wisconsin resident 18 years and older
Work must be original and created within the last three (3) years.
Compositions from published material, other artist's work or from photographs not taken by the artist are not considered original.
Wall hung art must be framed and wired for hanging.
Must NOT have been shown before in Gallery 110 North
Mat Color: white, off white, cream, pale gray or beige
No diptychs or triptychs
Framed and floor display 3-D pieces not to exceed 6' x 6'
Wall-hung pieces not to exceed weight of 30 lbs.
Sculpture and floor display pieces must be light and stable enough to be easily carried by two persons.
Open to all 2 and 3 dimensional Fine Art
Photography: Clearly identify creative process used
Jurying done from images submitted by the Artist
Awards selected by the Juror/Judge from the actual Work
$2,000 in cash awards presented at the opening reception
Artwork will be insured by PAC while in care of Gallery
Alarm system is installed in the Gallery
Submission of application constitutes agreement to all conditions in this prospectus
Commissions: PAC will sell artworks only at retail price on Artists Application Form
PAC and Artist agree that 35% of the retail price will be due PAC
Sales Tax: PAC assumes all responsibilities to collect and pay the appropriate WI state sales tax on all works sold in the Gallery 110 North. Sales tax will be added to the retail price of the work as established by Artist.
No exceptions to the following:
Complete Application Form
Fill out application form below or provide an application and thumb drive with jpeg images no larger than 1MB each. Provide one image of each entry. One close-up of 3D piece may be included. Images on thumb drive must be in same order as on Application Form.
Label thumb drive with Artist's Name, address, contact info.
Online version
Complete Application Form below
Fill out application form and provide uploaded versions of your artwork, no large than 15MB
Include $30 non-refundable Entry Fees (covers up to 3 entries)
Postmark Deadline for Entries: Fri, March 7th
Joye Moon is based in Oshkosh, WI and is an artist, art
educator and author of Exploring Textures in Watercolor,
pub. 2009. She has taught over 200 watercolor workshops and led 38 international artists’ group tours around the world. Her work has been exhibited in over 180 National and International juried competitions.
Label 2D art on back of piece; Artist's name, medium, title, sale price or NFS
Wall-hung pieces to be properly wired for hanging 1/3 distance from top
Deliver in person to PAC Saturday, April 26 between 10-2PM
Pick up artwork on Saturday, Aug 2nd between 10-2PM
Must arrive the week of April 21-25, 2025
All expense to and from the PAC is the responsibility of the artist.
This includes:
A $30 Handling Fee made payable to the PAC
Deliver in a prepaid, reusable return shipping container or, check to PAC for the cost of return shipping.
If using FedEx or UPS, provide a pre-printed return label from carrier for pick up.
If artwork is sold, Artist will be credited against the sales commission due the PAC with the paid $25 handling fee and any prepaid return shipping fees.
Shipped work will be returned by the same Carrier, the week of Aug 4-8, 2025
Mail to:
Plymouth Arts Center
P.O. Box 253
520 E Mill St.
Plymouth, WI 53073
Friday, March 7 Postmarked Entry Deadliine
April 4 Acceptance Notification via Email
April 21-25 Shipped Work Arrives
Saturday, April 26 Deliver Artwork 10am-2pm
Friday, May 2 Opening Reception 5-730pm
Awards Ceremony 6pm
Exhibit Dates May 2 - Aug 1, 2025
Saturday, Aug 2 Pick up Artwork 10am-2pm
Week of Aug 4-8 Shipped work returned
Entry Form
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns
Once you have submitted your entry form, please "Add to Cart" and pay for your submission
Without payment, we will not accept your application.